My story
A significant part of my life experience began in 1989 when our family faced the diagnosis of our four-year old son, Brandon, with malignant brain cancer. Through the years of his struggle we were touched by many amazing individuals who taught us the reality of love, suffering and non-judgmental compassion. A part of the journey was shared with Katy Tartakoff and The Children’s Legacy which resulted in the publication of “An Alphabet about Kids with Cancer.” In 2018, parts of my story were shared in a very short digital story that I created with friends, Pip Hardy and Tony Sumner in Cambridge, Great Britain. They run a wonderful website called “Patient Voices”. The digital story is 7 minutes long. To view, click here.
The Gift of Hopelessness
I was interviewed in 2020 by Marlena Fiol in her podcast series. To hear this hour long interview, click here.
Finding the Courage to Embrace Life After a Son’s Death
In addition, our experiences led my husband Brad and me to begin leading retreats and pilgrimages. Would you like to know more about Pilgrimage? Go to: